Sunday, 7 October 2012

Avocados... My favorite "fruit"

If any of you don't know, on Sept. 21, I went to the Jason Mraz concert, Tour is a four letter word {thanks to Uncle Pierre who those tickets were from for my 9th birthday in May}. Some of you MIGHT not know who that is... Maybe you're wondering what this has to do with food, well, I'll get to that. ;) Anyways, Jason Mraz is my ALL time favourite singer/songwriter. He is a raw vegan and owns an avocado farm in San Diego. If any of you go to San Diego, there is a restaurant called Chipotle right by the farm and Mraz sells his avocados to them and they use them in their guacamole! Here is his website if you want to check it out, and I will post pics of the concert at the end of this post.

Avocado Mousse/CHOCOMOLE (by Jason Mraz)

1. Mash up 4 ripened avocados until they are like a mousse or a pudding texture
2. Add 1 - 2 cups of {really small}
chopped dates (2 scoops of pitted dates from the bulk section of grocery store)
3. Mix in 1 cup cocoa powder
4. Add 1 tbsp. vanilla
5. Put a few long pours of agave nectar to sweeten to liking


  1. This is a raw vegan dessert or you could spread it on toast in the morning...

  2. yeahhhhhh!!!! yo udid the chocmole!!!! you can also mix in granola or rice krispies and make "chocolate rice kripsy squares"!

    1. Haha.. Sounds good. I'm sure Myles and Kane will like that version
